Friday, September 14, 2007

A dress under serious consideration

Well, this isn't the dress that would have had me going "Zowie, that's IT!!" had I seen it among hundreds of other dresses, but I think it's very cute, Von thinks it' cute and might look really good on me, so I'm going to order it and see how it looks.

There are four really good things about this dress:
  1. Despite the skinny-ass model, it's a plus size dress.
  2. It's a style overall that has been known to be flattering on me.
  3. Despite the flowers in her hand and white lace material, it's not being sold as a wedding or bridesmaid dress which means that it's RETURNABLE (what a concept!).
  4. It's a $188 dress (which would have been a relatively good price for a wedding dress anyway) on sale for $56.
So I'm going to try it. And I figure if I like it and keep it and then find something later that I like MUCH better, I could probably sell this on ebay for $40-50 if I keep the tags on it.

But wouldn't that be cool if the task that I thought would be the hardest to complete was done, spit-spot, just a week after I started even thinking about this whole shindig?

OH, here's the dress:

And here's a link if the dress for those reading this through a feed:

OH, and a big whompin' smooch and THANK YOU to Dara for sending me the link!!

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