Sunday, September 30, 2007

A precious wedding gift

Our friends D and K both work in group homes for physically and developmentally disabled adults.

Ivón's half-sister Betty has multiple disabilities (primarily cerebral palsy and developmental disabilities) and she lives in a group home. I'd really like to invite her and her boyfriend to our wedding, but taking care of them would be difficult for us with everything else going on.

D has just offered not only to go get them and bring them down, but to help provide for their care while they're here (with times off by someone else hired to help out during the wedding and reception in particular, and maybe overnights). We'd probably need to rent a couple of wheelchair accessible rooms in a hotel since our house really isn't wheelchair compatible, but that would be doable.

The thought of both that generous offer and of having Ivón's sister there makes me very very happy.

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